In the real estate industry, we are all about home and family. That’s what we do, day in and day out: match homes with families. But we also know that home and family are luxuries, and not available to all of us. Holiday meals and celebrations are not at everyone’s fingertips. At some time in our lives, each one of us has to rely on the kindness of strangers.
For each closing, our agents can donate to a charity in the client’s name – and PBC matches that donation. We not only believe in, but we subscribe to, making a difference in our neighbors’ lives. We understand that you do as well.

In addition to this donation program, the Phyllis Browning Company supports the Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries Thanksgiving Food Drive in Boerne, as well as the New Braunfels Food Bank’s recent food drive.
This is an unusual holiday season for all of us in this pandemic year. For those of you who have plenty, we pray that you give and are joyful this Thanksgiving Day. For those of you who have less than plenty, we pray that you are granted neighbors and a community that supports you. We are one nation and we give thanks together.

Join us as we celebrate our agents and their Thanksgiving collection efforts. What are you thankful for? We want to know. Please post your own thanks and we will rejoice with you.