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Anticipating a New Year

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Ring in 2021

We would probably all agree that 2020 has been one heck of a year! Make that one HECK of a year! Of course none of us knows what 2021 has in store for us, but we can hope.

That is what a new year brings: hope.

Oh, there are resolutions. There is weather, there are children, there might even be a graduation or a wedding! It’s a new [...]

At Home for the Holidays

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How do you decorate your home for the holidays? Do you do the bare minimum – or do you go all out and wrap the pictures on your walls in holiday paper and ribbons? Do you get new stockings every year, or do you use the originals and update only for new family members, friends and/or pets? Do you choose pine [...]

It's summertime in San Antonio, and the Southtown living is . . .

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. . . a little bit funky, a little bit edgy, perhaps a little bit bohemian, yet touched with class and a sense of history. Southtown is a community that has its own distinctive San Antonio vibe, and locals and tourists alike have discovered that they enjoy the [...]


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